Saturday, 26 November 2011

La La La ^^

Just a quick update! I've got work experience all next week at a graphic and web design studio, so look forward to a "Work Outfit" post. :) It's very exciting and I can't wait! And I got my fringe cut ^^ Picture time...
Before....long, shaggy sideswept fringe...

After....blunt, above the eyes fringe! I think it suits me better because I look slightly Asian with a full fringe (or bangs as Americans call them!). I'm obsessed with the kawaii look (full fringe, big eyes, long curly hair, dimples ect).  But at the same time, I do like my poking-in-my-eyes side fringe...which one looks better! Please comment, it makes me happy ^^


  1. Lol well to be perfectly honest, both hairstyles make you look gorgeous. I guess it's just depends on the look you're going for and if it's kawaii then, girl you got it xD

    Mmm...L....*drools* lawliet(I'm still not used to calling him lawliet. Are you?) looks so different in the movie as opposed to his manga version. Not that I'm comp,aiming of course xDD

  2. looks so pretty ^^

    Do you have your blog on bloglovin' ? I'd love to continue following :) I'm not using google friend connect, it's not working properly..

    xx indie by heart

  3. CUTEEEEEEEEEEE Why you no new blog posts??? Hahahaha either way. Girl, I'm seriously loving your fringe x)


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